First Row: Left to right Carolyn Wright, Myra Graskewicz, Kaye Harkins, Kay Wall, Donna Martin, Mary Ellen Brown, Carol Essick, Karen Murphy, Sue Bowers Second Row: Left to right Bernadeen Logan - Teacher, Janet Smothers, Faye Harkins, Sharon Wynn, Susan Brown, Joann Perko, Utha Armes, Susan Doxsie, Phyllis Stone, John Freeman, Billy Joe Robertson Third Row: Left to right Earl Bozarth - Principal, Donald Turner, Georgie Jarvis, Jerry Winstead, Bobby Pitchford, Johnnie Pappas, Jimmy Davis, Jimmy Wagner, Alfred Peters, Chuck Blake, Donald Hughes, Billy Wilson, Harold Hood, David Wolfe, Joe Racokzy
Kaye Harkins McClintock sent me the same picture and she listed the names this way:
Logan School- 6th Grade-1952 1st Row Bottom L-R: Carolyn Wright, Myra Sue Grazkewicz, Kaye Harkins, Kay Wall, Donna Martin, Mary Ellen Brown, Carol Essick, Karen Murphy & GLenda Sue Bowers 2nd Row L-R: Tacher- Miss Logan (I think) taught music, Janet Smothers, Faye Harkins, Sharon Wynn, Susan Brown, Jo Ann Perko Utha Faye Armes, Susan Doxsie, Phyllis Stone, John Freeman (I Think) & Billy Joe Robertson 3rd Row L-R: Mr. Earl Bozarth (Principal), Donald Turner, George Jarvis, Jerry Winstead, Bob Pitchford, Johnny Pappas, Jimmy Davis, Jimmy Wagner, Alfred Peters, Chuck Blake, Donald Hughes, Billy Wilson, Harold Hood, David Wolfe, & Joe Rakoczk